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(1 - 25 of 30)


Ellen White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ellen G. White en de Gemeente der Zevende-dags Adventisten
Aandelige Erfaringer
Ellen White's Theological and Literary Indebtedness to Calvin Stowe
Personal Memories of Ellen White as told by Arthur White and Grace Jacques
Aandelige Erfaringer
The Dietary Program of Seventh-day Adventist Institutions and the Use of Flesh Meat, Tea, and Coffee
A Discussion and Review Of Prophetess Of Health
The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White
The Christ of the Narrow Way:
Notes and Papers Concerning Ellen G. White and the Spirit of Prophecy
A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health
Did Mrs. White Define the King of the North?
The Spirit of Prophecy Treasure Chest
The Relationship Between Ellen G. White and the Bible
People of Providence
A Place Called Oakwood
The Truth about the White Lie
E. G. White's Literary Work: An Update
A Rhetorical Analysis of the Speaking of Mrs. Ellen G White
Ellen G White the Human Interest Story
Pantheism Crisis
Sourcebook of Documents and Study Outlines of Selected Issues in Prophetic Guidance
Mrs. Ellen G. White's Indebtedness
Ellen G White's Understanding of the Law of God Prior to 1888
Ellen G. White And Her Critics