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Baptism on the Clubhouse Patio
Edward A. Sutherland standing on lawn with hat in hand
Edward Sutherland on the telephone at Madison College
Colorized photograph of Bessie DeGraw
The Administration building for Madison Rural Sanitarium and Hospital
John Brownlee and other unknown people working at Madison Foods
Ellen A. Low standing in the corn field at Madison College
Bessie DeGraw sitting at a desk
A cultivator in use at the farm at Madison College
Front Entrance to the Madison Sanitarium
Bessie DeGraw Sutherland posing in front of a tree
Howard Jensen Welch
Unknown building associated with Madison College
Dorothy Shaw Leads Singing
Horace Shaw Preaching from Daniel 2
View through an arch at Madison Rural Sanitarium and Hospital
Sunnydale Academy farm
View of Madison Sanitarium grounds from front entrance
Florence E. Wheeler standing in front of the Madison Rural Sanitarium and Hospital
Unknown men working in the Carpenter Shop at Madison College
Young man in suit standing in front of a car, possibly Robert Sutherland
Symbols Used in the Brea Evangelistic Effort
Horace J. Shaw Preaching
Entrance to the Woman's Club Evangelistic Meetings
A group of workers at the Voice of Prophecy office