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(1 - 24 of 24)
Portrait of George W. Bovee
Graduation Portrait of Mamie Isabella Bovee
Eliza Jane Bovee
Mark Bovee Standing On Chair
Wright Bovee
George I. Butler
Ethel Bovee
Harold Caviness
George and Myrtle Wells and their wedding party
Mark Bovee Laying On Lap Of Unknown Woman
Minnie Barnes
Edwin Barnes
My Markie, Mark Bovee
Eugene W. Farnsworth
John Byington
Mamie Bovee
S. Parker Smith
Ellen G. White laying in state in the Dime Tabernacle
Cousins Eldon Green and Mark Bovee in WWI Uniforms
Eliza Waggoner Bovee with her children and grandchildren
John N. Andrews
Uriah Smith
Annie Smith At Age 18
Lucy and Dudley Canright