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A Strategy for the Formation of a Shared Vision Among the Churches of North Dallas to Address the Challenge of Secondary Education
Here are the four graduates of our school (12 grades) who finished in 1917. The young man to the left standing, Jos Replogle, is a missionary in Peru now. The one at his side, Daniel Weiss, is Sec. and Treas. Of our mission in northern Argentina. The young lady sitting, who was our daughter for three years, has been teaching in Chile in our school at Peia for two years. The young man sitting is Jos Journo, Bible worker in S. Argentina
Mission Spotlight: Taiwan
Mission Spotlight: Trans-Africa Division
Lights And Shades In The Black Belt
Mission Spotlight: Sweden
Mission Spotlight: Burma
Letter from Lorine Graham to Willis Clark regarding Hazel Scarfe Fisher
Outline Lessons in Prophetic History
The Articles of Association and By-laws of the S. D. A. Educational Society,
The Educational Messenger
Mission Spotlight: Franco-Haitian Union
Mary Ross: Life Sketch
Mission Spotlight: Western Samoa
The Desire for Adventist Education
Mission Spotlight: Sri Lanka
The Oakwood Manual Training School
Leduc Land Location 1907-1909
Columbia Journal, The Sligonian
Our school building
Alberta Industrial Academy History
Mission Spotlight: Central Philippine Adventist College
Mission Spotlight: Yugoslavia
Leduc Land Title - Error to Burman